Stevi Rae Angasan

Naknek Native Tribe

Stevi was raised in Naknek, AK, with many family ties in South Naknek, AK. Her native name is Ikayuk, which means “big helper”. This name was given to her by her grandmother, Vera Kie Angasan. Stevi is a member of the Naknek Native Tribe, Bristol Bay Native Corporation and the Paug-vik Corporation. Her parents are Nola and Steven Angasan. She grew up with her three sisters and many cousins in a tight knit extended family and community.

Stevi’s struggle with substance abuse began in her teen years and became very destructive in her twenties. Addiction led her very far away from family, community and almost took her life on more than one occasion. During this dark time, and through a series of attempts at recovery, Stevi learned that God wanted and was able to lead her out of this captivity and show her how to live again. She came into a new life in recovery and returned to her hometown, determined not only to recover from addiction, but to find healing from the personal and generational traumas that have caused so much suffering. Her desire is to heal along with her people and community. Stevi has been sober for five years.

Stevi has pursued healing through her faith and relationship with God. Healing has also come through learning and teaching traditional activities and crafts from her Yupik culture. Some of the activities that bring Stevi healing and peace include subsistence hunting and gathering, traditional food preparation, skin sewing, beading, fish skin tanning, and much more as her search for knowledge continues. She shares her knowledge with her family and community and promotes these activities as important tools for recovery and wellness.